Aye blogger fella!
Phew, sudah lama sekali rasanya tidak melakukan sesi curhat di media ini. Rindu rasanya (aseek). Ga deng boong. Tapi serius. HAHA.
Okay, well... where should I start... When was the last time I posted something here? 2 years ago? 3 years? 4? Maybe 3. Yeah, 3. Waktu kelas 12 and I said I don't even wanna go to any PTN (such a cocky bish you are, fik). Well, apparently universe has some other plans for me. Greater plan. Yes, baby, I'm now on my 2nd (and a half) year studying in Universitas Indonesia taking Social Wellfare Studies as my major (it's purely accidental, I'll tell you all the stories later). Cool, huh?
College is... what should I say... frustrating? Exciting? Fun? Tiring? Well, it's all of the above. Gue bisa ceritain mengenai hal-hal yang membedakan kuliah dengan jenjang pendidikan lainnya but that's so Maba. Hahahah, so... some other time (again) maybe?
Sesungguhnya, postingan ini dibuat semata-mata hanya sebagai pembuka atas pengaktifan kembali dinodinoattack di dunia per-blogging-an. I can't believe I started blogging again, yay!
Expect to hear more from yes, love?
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